Monday, January 5, 2015

My home decorations

Here is how I decorated my home! :)

This is my hand made autumn branch with leaves. I made it by the template from "Fensterbilder... und Co." Nr. 85 journal. This branch is on my corridor wall (and just next to it there is my postcard collection). It was the first thing that I made to decorate my home.
Branch and leaves are made from cardboard and sticked with glue to thin decorative paper. Now I bought 3D foam pads and would do similar works with it instead of glue.
This is my Christmas tree! :D It's on my room door. I made it by the template from "Papierideen filigran" journal. It's not big, only 23 cm height. I attached it with green washi tape. :) This spruce is made from thin decorative paper.
Just a white snowflake made by a pattern from "Papierideen filigran". Made from thin white paper (printing paper).
This is star, also made from the "Papierideen filigran" pattern. It is made out of orange cardboard. It is actually one color, made from one sheet, but because of shades sees like multicolor. It fits my lamp and walls color. :)

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